Acrylic on canvas, 80 x 100 cm, 2011
Now, on you can easily flip through "Eidozoology" a publication about this new, fascinating branch of parabiology. But what exactly is Eidozoology?
Here is an hilight from the booklet's introduction:
The eidozoan (from eidos- “image” and -zoo “living being”) or A.B.I. (Autonomous Biological Image) is a living image created, grown and inoculated into different imaginary hosts and habitats.
Images are living beings.
Images are born, grow and live in their habitat (the imaginary) in a way that resembles biological processes. Images are born, grow, evolve, feed themselves, suffer, mate, mutate, extinct, migrate, fight, struggle, proliferate, die.
To investigate how an image can live, interact with different imaginaries and other images, i have started creating sorts of “guinea-pig images”: something that recaed nothing pre- cisely, yet living, able to evolve and to inhabit any imaginary: i caed it “eidozoan” (living image).
My art is essentially an uninterrupted experiment about eidozoans’ behaviour and its relationships with a strange but welcoming habitat: our world.
Murale @ La Tabacalera de Lavapiés
During my short stay in the gorgeous city of Madrid, I had the great opportunity to visit La Tabacalera, a large Social Centre in the heart of the multi-ethnic district of Lavapiés.
The recent occupation of the huge construction (originally a tobacco factory) quickly leaded to lots of interesting social, artistic and creative projects, and I'm sure that its popularity amongst Madrid people, yet already very strong, is bound to fly more and more high.
Of course I couldn't refuse the opportunity to test my recently acquired wall-painting skills to embellish a pair of the many walls that this place has to offer. The results are in this Flickr set.
Walls & Collaborations
I've recently started to collaborate with my street-art friends. And... feels good, man. Really. :)
Works in collaboration with Ale Senso e Fedone.
Mixed media on garden dwarf
22cm, 2010
A 3d experiment with a cheap garden dwarf contaminated by an eidozoon.
Topolino contro i Vermi
"Topolino contro i Vermi" è un'insolita storia a fumetti ambientata in una Topolina alternativa, in cui le mie viscide creature cercano di convivere con i topi nativi, facendo nascere tensioni razziali.
Parte delle immagini è ©Disney. Clicca sull'immagine (o qui) per leggere il fumetto.
"Mickey Mouse against the Worms" is an unusual comic strip set on an alternative Mouseton, where my slimy creatures struggle to cohabit with native mice, creating racial tensions.
Part of the images is ©Disney Clic on the image to read the comic, go to my Flickr Page for english translation.
Oil on cheap landscape, 50 x 70 cm, 2010
I've painted colonies of iridescent outgrowths upon a cheap and anonymous landscape, found in a basement, flourishing upon the pristine brush strokes of a forgotten painter. The enigmatic presence of their shapes, placid yet austere, redeem the picture from its own stupor giving it a pulsating new life. The landscape, stolen from the dust and finally inhabited, now shares the destiny of these silent guests, at the expense of its own anonymous identity, but in exchange for a luxuriant, perturbing new youth.
Running for the Celeste Prize 2010
Furto d'arte a Grosseto!
Stanotte, ignoti si sono introdotti all'interno della struttura che ospita la rassegna Primavera Maremmana, a Grosseto, e hanno trafugato due miei quadri, precisamente "Ritratto di Fritz Schoenberger" e "Ritratto di Madalena Perez".
Sono quasi commosso per questo genuino gesto di apprezzamento nei miei confronti, e nonostante tutto non posso che sentirmi lusingato.
Ecco qui di seguito le opere rubate, se qualcuno di voi le vedesse mi contatti a:
Live Painting @ C.S.A. Paci Paciana, Bergamo
Il giorno 8 maggio 2010, al Centro Sociale Autogestito Pacì Paciana di Bergamo si terrà un piccolo grande evento: un manipolo dei migliori artisti urban, street e lowbrow orobici (e non solo) coordinati dal Baro, darà nuova vita ad alcuni degli storici muri del glorioso centro sociale.
Gli artisti partecipanti saranno:
…più ospiti a sorpresa.
L'evento inizierà a partire dalle ore 14:00, probabilmente verrà associato ad un evento speciale serale ancora da definire.Intanto, stay tuned e tenetevi liberi!
locandina realizzata da IlBaro
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