
Pocket Lovebirds Moleskine™

Lovebirds Pocket

Another one! Colored pencils, Copic™ markers and Copic™ brush pen on pocket Moleskine™ notebook, 9 x 14 cm, 64 ruled pages. On sale at vacon.etsy.com

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Business Cards

some Business Cards

Some others business cards

Yeah, that's what I'm doing right now: single piece, hand drawn business cards.
I know no better way to present myself :)
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I AM - identità in gioco

Sabato 25 aprile ci sarà l'inaugurazione della mostra "I AM - identità in gioco", a cui parteciperà anche il sottoscritto. Se siete dalle parti di Milano, e magari state già festeggiando la Liberazione d'Italia (e auspicando una seconda) potete venirci a trovare in via Pergolesi 8 e io sarò lì a salutarvi come vecchi partigiani.

I'll take part to "I AM" - the collective exhibition about identity - in Spazio Pergolesi 8, in Milan. Vernissage is april the 25th!

(cliccate pure sull'immagine per ingrandirla - click the image to enlarge)
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Disegno Novo is now online

I'm proud member and admin of the Disegno Novo group on Flickr, a community for artists, illustrators and drawers from all around the world who have in common innovative and challenging approach to free hand, analogic, non-vectorial visual art.

Today the new-born official blog of the group is officially OPEN, so why don't you take a look and - maybe - subscribe a feed so you can get updated daily with hand drawn art from all around the world? Just a suggestion. :)

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Original Sin

Original Sin

In the desert of Eden (TX), Adam is playing "The Big Rock Candy Mountain", while Eve, tempted by the Love Snake, tastes the delicous and slightly sour juice of the forbidden fruit, but the Allmighty Flying Spaghetti Monster is planning to crash the party.

Original drawing, 21,5 x 32 cm, copic markers and colored pencils on paper.

Available at my etsy shop
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How heaven sounds like to me

How heaven sounds like to me, inserito originariamente da Vacon Sartirani.

I just want you all to know how happy I feel. And how little money I have left.

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No, that's not mine!

I really love when fellow artists joke with each others' style, and today I had a really great surprise: the artist and Disegno Novo's member Ugandalebre made an excellent - how can you say - homage of my art, enriching one of my most peculiar subjects, "the dandy", with his outstanding, soft cartoonish chiaroscuro.
No need to say how proud I am of this tribute.

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Pocket Lovebirds Moleskine™

I'm enjoying doing these...
Colored pencils, felt pen and fineliner on pocket Moleskine™ notebook, 9 x 14 cm, 64 ruled pages. On sale at vacon.etsy.com
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Lovebirds Moleskine™

Mixed media on Moleskine™ notebook, 13x21 cm, 64 white pages. Both on sale at vacon.etsy.com
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Happy birthday Giorgio!!! Fine liner and felt pen on original Moleskine™ notebook.
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